Google Sheets [🔧Fixed] #REF Error. Array result was not expanded because it would overwrite data…

Max Makhrov
3 min readAug 11, 2023


Original post

Do you love array formulas as I do? They will break every time you unintentionally type or enter a cell intersecting the result.

This happens to me very often and becomes annoying.

The scripting solution

The solution is based on a trigger. Trigger runs every time you edit your sheets. You make it with a reserved function called onEdit.

function onEdit(e) {
console.log('I will run each time you edit cells');

The code below is to auto-delete values that stop array-formulas. It will run every time you edit cells. The script will check if your edit caused an error, and fix it.

To use the code, copy it to your Apps Scrip Editor in Sheets.

function onEdit(e) {
// add more functions if needed
// add more functions if needed

* onEdit
* Trigger event for Google Sheets
* @typedef {Object} Event
* @property {SpreadsheetApp.Range} range
* @property {SpreadsheetApp.Spreadsheet} source

* @param {Event} e
function fixArrayFormulaRefErrors_(e) {

var lookFor = '#REF!';

// 🦆type
// error gives value = #REF
// #REF error also has a formula in it
// #REF is above the edited range
// #REF is in the previous or the save column
// values between #REF and edited range are blank
// can also use Sheets API and see error message

var numRow = e.range.getRow();
if (numRow === 1) return;
var numCol = e.range.getColumn();
if (numCol === 1) return;

var sheet = e.range.getSheet();
var range = sheet.getRange(1,1,numRow, numCol);
var values = range.getValues();

var rowCheckFrom = 0;
var colCheckFrom = 0;

* @param {Number} rowIndex
* @param {Number} columnIndex
* @returns {String} comment - may use to debug
function _dealWith(rowIndex, columnIndex) {
if (rowIndex === numRow - 1 && columnIndex === numCol - 1) {
return 'do not check self';
var checkValue = values[rowIndex][columnIndex];
if (checkValue === '') {
return 'empty cell, continue checking without changes';
if (checkValue === lookFor) {
var r = sheet.getRange(rowIndex+1, columnIndex+1);
if (isRangeAFormula_(r)) {
return '😎 fixed';
rowCheckFrom = rowIndex + 1;
return 'reduced the number of cells to check';

function stopLoopExecution_() {
rowCheckFrom = numRow;
colCheckFrom = numCol;

// start search from the column above edited one
// move to the top by row first
// stop if not blank and not #REF value is found
// then move to the previous row
for (var ii = numCol - 1; ii >= colCheckFrom; ii--) {
for (var i = numRow - 1; i >= rowCheckFrom; i--) {
_dealWith(i, ii);

* @param {SpreadsheetApp.Range} range
* @returns {Boolean}
function isRangeAFormula_(range) {
var f = range.getFormula();
if (f === '') return false;
return true;

The solution is not perfect because it uses 🦆-typing. You are welcome to suggest improvements.


Sample Spreadsheet.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash



Max Makhrov
Max Makhrov

Written by Max Makhrov

Google Sheets Developer, master of Online Accounting

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